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World of Warcraft Newbies Guide
Well I decided to put a basic world of warcraft guide for beginners together that if you follow it, you should level up much quicker and play your character much better. Mostly I will be talking about getting enough gold to get the things that you will need and ways to play more efficiently which will get you more experience letting you level up faster.
If you are familiar with any world of warcraft type game you know that you can simply fight enemies, loot what they drop and then sell the item's for money at a shop or auction house then rinse and repeat. The players of world of warcraft refer to this as grinding. Grinding can get old really quick but it is a simple way to earn money when you are starting a new character. When you are using a new character you will usually have to do some grinding, so make sure you are doing it in a good area with many enemies to take down that are of lower level than you.
WOW Power Leveling
After you have grinded for a while try one of the world of warcraft profession's to generate gold, many of them work well and get better the higher in level you get them. Each world of warcraft profession falls into one of two catagories. Some of the profession's are referred to as Gathering. The gathering of herbs, grasses, etc. to be combined together to make various thing's or to be sold. The second type is called a Production profession. With a Production profession you will be crafting item's from raw material's or re-crafting existing item's.
Don't just pick primary profession's because they look cool or fun, depending on what class you are should help decide which profession's you should consider. If you are in the process of creating a new character you should look into future possible profession's before you choose a race because some races add benefit's to certain profession's.
By sticking to solo questing, you will reap all of the rewards that are dropped by your enemies and also get all of the experiance point's. Rushing in to solo questing without preparation can be hazardous to your health. Planning ahead for questing solo is quite important and can make the diference as to weather you will be good at it or not. Be sure to bring plenty of supplies with you. If your going to solo, you want to spend your time getting gold and item's not going back and forth to a food vendor.
WOW Dungeon Maps
Most importantly try to fight monster's that are a little bit lower in level than you are. Keeping your enemies just a bit weaker than you will make questing easier and you will also get nice dropped item's.
There will be times where it will be wise to team up with other players in order to get past more difficult situations. When you feel that you need the help of some other players to continue, don't team-up with a large party and only stay with them to get past the area that you need help with. If you can, team-up with other player's that are a little more experienced than you are so they will do most of the work. Not only will these higher level player's speed-up play but they will generally leave more stuff for you to loot.
I hope you are able to use and enjoy the information in this world of warcraft beginners guide, now go and play.